Types of Tummy Tuck By on July 06, 2012

Types of Tummy TuckIn order to revise the appearance of the lower abdominal area, one of the best options available to patients is the tummy tuck. Of course, San Antonio plastic surgery is not one-size-fits-all. Each surgery must be tailored to the needs of the individual patient, which is why we offer various kinds of tummy tuck surgery. Let’s take a moment right now to look at tummy tuck surgery and how it can help you look your absolute best.

About Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty)

A tummy tuck is a surgery performed by a plastic surgeon in San Antonio to help remove excess skin and tissue from the abdominal area. It’s a great option for people who have loose or drooping skin around the stomach or experience stretch marks. People who lose a lot of weight and women who have given birth often benefit a great deal from this surgery.

Traditional Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck Surgery

During a traditional San Antonio tummy tuck, there are three key incisions that are made. The primary incision spans from one hipbone to the other along the lower abdominal area. Another incision is made around the belly button in a circle. The third incision connects these two previous incisions in a straight line down the center of the lower abdomen. (It helps to visualize the shape of a ship’s anchor.) Using these incisions, the surgeon removes excess skin and fat, adjusts the underlying tissues of the abdominal area, and pulls the remaining skin tighter.

The Mini Tummy Tuck

The mini tummy tuck is an ideal option for patients who need less substantial body contouring than those who require a full tummy tuck. The procedure varies, though the mini tummy tuck often involves just a single incision made along the lower abdominal area. Sometimes the incision spans from hipbone to hipbone, though sometimes it is only a few inches in length in the center portion of the lower abdomen. It’s through this incision that the tissue adjustments and skin tightening takes place.

The Extended Tummy Tuck

The extended tummy tuck is one of the key procedures performed when a patient needs body contouring after massive weight loss. Since the skin is stretched out a great deal, a more extensive primary incision is required. Rather that spanning from hipbone to hipbone, this incision will span around the sides as well, sometimes to the back of the hip area. The tissue removal and skin tightening is done through these incisions. Since the surgery is more extensive, patients should expect a longer recovery time.

Weighing All of Your Options for Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck Surgery

During your visit to the practice, we will be sure to discuss all of your aesthetic goals and body contouring needs in much greater detail. We will tailor the surgery to your needs and your situation.

Learn More About Body Contouring and Sculpting

For more information about body contouring and the different types of tummy tuck surgery that are available, be sure to contact our San Antonio cosmetic surgery center today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and discussing all of your aesthetic goals in greater detail.

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Dr. Constance Barone

Dr. Constance Barone

Dr. Constance Barone in San Antonio, TX, and her team pride themselves in delivering safe, compassionate care tailored to your individual needs. She has been voted one of the Top Plastic Surgeons in America and her professional affiliations include:

  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • American College of Surgeons
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

To schedule a consultation and learn more about how Dr. Barone can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, contact our office online, or call (210) 614-0400.

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