Breast Augmentation Scars By on February 15, 2013

Breast Augmentation ScarsBreast augmentation surgery can make a major difference when it comes to your overall body contour and body shape. Our patients do have a number of questions when it comes to the surgical scars left behind from breast augmentation surgery however. When you visit a skilled San Antonio plastic surgeon, you'll be able to learn a lot more about surgical scarring after cosmetic surgery. Right now we'd like to go over some of the basics when it comes to the scars after breast augmentation surgery. You may be surprised to learn that some incision methods will result in no visible scarring on or around the breasts once the surgery is completed.

Is it possible to avoid scars after breast augmentation surgery?

Any surgery will result in scarring, so technically the answer is no. However, there are incisions that can be made during breast augmentation surgery that will be very difficult to detect. With that in mind, the scarring that patients experience following breast augmentation surgery is generally minimal, and may be very subtle. It's important that patients follow our instructions for pre-operative and post-operative care as both can reduce the visibility of scars during recovery.

The placement of surgical incisions can affect the visibility of scarring. When you meet with a cosmetic plastic surgeon in San Antonio, you'll be able to find out which incision method might be best for your needs. Let's cover the four incision techniques now.

Inframammary Incisions and Breast Augmentation Scars

Inframammary incisions are made along the underside of the breasts, that crease where the breasts meet the chest. These incisions give surgeons a lot of control over the placement and positioning of the breast implant, and since they are located on the underside of the breasts, they are generally not visible. Both silicone and saline breast implants can be placed using this technique.

Periareolar Incisions and Breast Augmentation Scars

Periareolar incisions are made around the areolas, the dark patch of skin around the nipple. As with the inframammary incisions, these will allow a great deal of control for positioning and placement. These kinds of San Antonio breast augmentation scars can be somewhat visible, though it really depends on the way the patient heals. Some patients will experience subtle scarring during the recovery process. Both silicone and saline breast implants can be placed using this technique.

Transaxillary Incisions and Breast Augmentation Scars

Transaxillary incisions are made in the patient's armpit, with a saline breast implant positioned into the breast and then filled with solution. These incisions are hard to spot, though the type of breast implant used and other factors will affect eligibility for this kind of incision method.

Transumbilical Incisions (TUBA) and Breast Augmentation Scars

Transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) incisions are made inside the belly button. A saline breast implant is positioned into the breast pocket and then filled with solution just as in the transaxillary incision technique. Just like the transaxillary incision method, the scars are difficult to detect, yet there are limitations on the type of implant that can be used.

Learn More About Advanced Cosmetic Enhancement

For more information about breast augmentation and other options for breast enhancement, be sure to contact our San Antonio cosmetic plastic surgery practice today. The entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve the best possible results.

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Dr. Constance Barone

Dr. Constance Barone

Dr. Constance Barone in San Antonio, TX, and her team pride themselves in delivering safe, compassionate care tailored to your individual needs. She has been voted one of the Top Plastic Surgeons in America and her professional affiliations include:

  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • American College of Surgeons
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

To schedule a consultation and learn more about how Dr. Barone can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, contact our office online, or call (210) 614-0400.

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