What You Need To Know About Detecting A Ruptured Breast Implant
Implant Ruptures
It can be difficult to detect a rupture in silicone gel breast implants. When a tear forms in the shell the gel inside may stay close to the shell and not cause physical symptoms. These ruptures are called “silent ruptures” because no physical symptoms are apparent. However, according to the FDA a ruptured breast implant should be removed and replaced, even if it is not causing symptoms.
Detecting Ruptures In Silicone Gel Implants
Because a ruptured silicone gel breast implant can be silent, women are encouraged to get regular MRIs to monitor their implants. MRI is one of the best ways to detect a silent rupture. Current FDA recommendations state women should get an MRI three years after a breast augmentation, then every two years for the life of the implants. Regular checks are the best way to catch a silent rupture before it becomes a bigger issue.
Consider Periodic Replacement
Dr. Barone recommends that her patients have their silicone gel breast implants replaced every 10 years. Being proactive about replacement can help you avoid complications that come with older implants. Dr. Barone explains that some patients return after 10 years with complications such as calcification around their implants. After revision surgery with one patient Dr. Barone explained, “There was no silent rupture. She just had leeching of the silicone gel outside of the implant. I had to cut, take that all out and that was before the 10 years.”
Breast Augmentation Surgery In San Antonio
Every breast implant type has benefits and compromises, and it is up to the patient and her surgeon to determine which breast implant to use. Dr. Barone now offers the IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implant, is an IDEAL IMPLANT Premier Surgeon, and an investor in the IDEAL IMPLANT company. In her own words:
“I invested early on because I personally love the way these implants feel, I love the history behind the implants, and I thought that it was the best thing for my patients.”
At your consultation Dr. Barone will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision for your body. To make your appointment for a consultation, call 210-202-4392.