Achieve Luscious Lips
with Transgender Lip Augmentation
Dr. Constance Barone performs lip augmentation using fat injections to help transgender patients achieve a more feminine appearance. Both of these options offer beautiful, lasting, and natural-looking results. Depending on your goals, you may choose to combine transgender lip augmentation with other facial procedures, such as a brow lift or cheek augmentation, to help you achieve the beautiful appearance you desire. If you would like to learn more about transgender lip augmentation or schedule a consultation with Dr. Barone, contact our office today.

Lip Augmentation Candidates
Many associate full, pouty lips with an attractive, youthful, and feminine appearance. If you have thin lips, have developed fine lines around your lips, or simply want fuller lips, lip augmentation may be right for you. Dr. Barone can perform lip augmentation to enhance the shape, size, and texture of your lips. As an added benefit, the skin around the lips can become much smoother, minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and giving you a rejuvenated new look.
To help you achieve the appearance you desire, Dr. Barone will inject a precise amount of fat, or place appropriately sized implants into the upper and lower lips. She will help you determine which technique is best suited to your goals during your personalized consultation.
The lip augmentation procedure is safe and effective for most patients. However, you may not be a suitable candidate for lip augmentation treatment if:
- You are susceptible to blood clots
- You suffer from lupus or diabetes
- You currently have cold sores
- Your lips are scarred
Fat Injections
Dr. Barone also uses fat injections to add volume to the lips. In this procedure, she uses liposuction to harvest fat from another area of your body, such as your thighs or buttocks. The fat is purified and injected into your upper and lower lips, adding youthful volume. Many patients choose this option because they not only want fuller lips, but also wish to eliminate a stubborn fat deposit.
To be considered a candidate for fat injections, you must be a candidate for liposuction: in general, you should be in good physical health, and have a stubborn fat deposit you wish to eliminate. Ideal candidates also have somewhat elastic skin in the areas where fat will be removed. Liposuction typically requires only local anesthesia. During a consultation, Dr. Barone can determine your candidacy for liposuction and fat injections.
Enhance Your Lips for a Feminine Look
Transgender lip augmentation can be an important step in your transition, helping you to feel confident and beautiful. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Barone.